October 13 - October 17 Week 35/72
at the western edge of the lake
the morning sky begins peeling back the darkness
revealing remnants of fog drifting over smooth
steely grey water overwashed with an uninterrupted
layer of slate blue until reflections of the world overhead
intervene and a lone swan glides by drawing
a shimmering silver line across the surface
sending soft waves rippling out to the shore
the sun follows a low arc across the sky gaily throwing
splashes of brilliant light here and there
but it is no match for the exuberant sprays
of yellow witch hazel blooms bursting with joy
against a cloudless, cerulean blue sky coupled with
glimpses of two bashful bluebirds darting about vibrant
magenta branches hoping to fill their white bellies
with deep, indigo blue, pokeweed berries